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How to Restore your Company’s Data
How to restore a Sage 50 Backup
Restoring a backup is a serious operation. Prior to performing a restore to your company data make sure you have a current backup of your company. Restoring overwrites all existing data and once it is overwritten you will not be able to get it back.
This is why we suggest create a new backup before you restore an older backup.
From the Top File Menu click Restore
Select the backup file you wish to restore.
If you have received the backup from DataSoft make sure you navigate to the location where you saved your download.

Here we have a choice of restoring to the existing company or create a new company from the backup.
Chances are you will select Overwrite existing company data.
If you choose to create a new company, the restore process will create a new company and leave your existing company alone. This is useful if you wish to retain the old companies data or want to create a sandbox company to experiment with.

Most of the times you will just need to restore the Company Data.
If you selected Create a new company using the restored data in the prior step, you should check all the options.

Verify the locations and make sure everything is correct. If not, go back and correct your restore options.

This is a confirmation screen to verify that you wish to continue.

That’s it. Your data should be restored. You may log in to your company and get back to work.