Data Transition Services
Sage 50 and Peachtree Shell Company for rebuilding your company.
So what is a Shell Company?
If you ever tried to rebuild a company using Export/Import and was struggling with importing Employees with payroll fields or Bill of Materials?
This is were the Shell Company comes to your rescue!
A shell company will contain all maintenance records (Customers, Vendors, Employee, Chart), sales tax, payroll fields, payroll tax file and bill of materials everything but transactions and balances.
From this point, you simply import your beginning balances and transactions. Using a shell company will save you days of importing hassles.
The shell company may also contain:
- All users and roles already setup.
- All Customer and Vendors G/L Account and sales tax settings.
- Employee payroll taxes and G/L Accounts settings.
- Customer credit Card Information links for online services. Paya or other related services.
- ACH information for online services.
- Memorized transactions (Optional)
- Fixed assets (If installed)
- All jobs, phases, and cost codes (Optional)
- Inventory unit of measure
- Inventory quantity discounts
- All inventory pricing
- Basic inventory costs (if inventory costing is LIFO/FIFO there will be no costing amounts because these amounts are based from transactions)
- All existing budgets amounts
- Bill of materials (assemblies)
- Maintenance records attachments (Optional)
- Custom reports (If supplied)
Optional items above may result in an additional charge.
Everything will be there except G/L balances and transactions. All you need to do is set beginning balances and import transactions.

SAVE $100
Get a Shell Company and the Quote Stripping Service for $100 off, when purchased together.